Breaking news: After Being Hospitalized for a long time, Slipknot’s great musician recovers from a bonfire accident…

Sid Wilson of Slipknot is recuperating at home following his hospitalisation for “serious” burns received in a

campfire mishap.

The DJ and keyboardist gave followers assurances that everything will be alright in a series of Instagram Live videos

that he uploaded to his social media account yesterday. He also provided viewers with updates on his travel.

In the opening five minutes of the video, he claimed, “I had an explosion in my face.” “My face and arms sustained

some serious burns, but I’m okay, I’m going to be okay.” He shows close-ups of his “singed” eyebrows, “blistered”

mouth, and arms—which he said took the brunt of the flames—in the self-facing video. He merely wrote “Ouch” as

the video’s caption.

“Our brother Sid Wilson was in an accident today and sustained burns across his body,” Slipknot stated in a

statement that was uploaded to the heavy metal band’s Facebook page. He will still be performing with us at

Rocklahoma the following weekend while he recovers with his family. He appreciates all of the kind words and says

he will talk to you all shortly.

In the initial video, medical staff members are heard guiding Wilson through deep breathes. With a nasal cannula

attached, he stated that an X-ray would be taken to make sure he didn’t “inhale any flames.” Nurses can be heard

asking him where to put his hospital bracelet in the background. Wilson, who was no stranger to mishaps,

remembered that maybe around New Year’s Eve of last year, he was in the same hospital when he cut his finger off.

Wilson, who seemed upbeat, acknowledged that his skin “stings” a lot and that his wounds were being bandaged, but

he said, “I don’t care what it takes.” See you when you go on tour.

“Apparently, I’m allergic to fire,” he made a joke. A woman can be heard yelling in the background, “Get off

Instagram,” and “get the f— off the phone.”

Wilson is transferred to a different location with a superior burn treatment centre in a longer second film, which

lasts more than ten minutes. The musician said in the update that his social media presence proved he was in a “not

terrible” place.

“I will say, I do know better,” he remarked, citing his burns from farming. “Everyone, please be extremely careful.”

something I frequently dealt with.

Slipknot's Sid Wilson Hospitalized with 'Serious Burns' from Bonfire  'Explosion'

“This ain’t gonna stop me,” he said. Again joking, he continued, “Did my brows for free.” Had some actual sideburns

and his lips were “cheaply Botoxed.”

In the video, Wilson said, “I want to say thank you to everybody for all the get well wishes and all the stuff.” “Don’t

worry about me, everyone. I will be alright. I don’t want this to cause anyone undue stress. I’m on Instagram Live

because of this, so everyone can see, “Here I am.” Strong man, everything will work out. We simply need to trust our

inner voice and slow down occasionally. That part of it might occasionally cloud judgement when you’re a big bold

man. Most of the time, rational cognition is far more difficult than anything else.

Along with updates, partner Kelly Osbourne posted a number of Stories on Instagram today while travelling to pick

up Wilson from the hospital. As she thanked supporters for their “well wishes and prayers,” she said, “He’s still in a

lot of pain, but he’s doing so, so much better.”

After tending to Wilson’s wounds, Osbourne also had some fun. She posted a number of videos of Wilson dozing off

set to well-known songs that contained the word “fire.” Alicia Keys’ “Girl on Fire,” The Prodigy’s “Firestarter,” Jerry

Lee Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire,” Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” and Adele’s “Set Fire to the Rain” were among

her favourite tracks.

The musician posted a selfie to Instagram earlier today with the remark, “On my way home.”

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