HEARTBREAKING: Bears Star Survives Accident Earlier Today…

Graham discusses frightening car accident

On Tuesday, the Bears tight end revealed for the first time details about a frightening car accident he experienced in Miami at the beginning of March.

During a Zoom call with reporters, Graham recounted driving to the airport on the Florida Turnpike early in the morning. His life was nearly endangered when he tried to steer clear of a stalled car.

“I noticed a police car with its lights on reversing down an off-ramp, so I changed lanes,” Graham explained. “As the sun was rising, I focused on the cop car. When I looked ahead, I spotted a disabled vehicle in the middle lane while I was traveling at about 90 miles per hour.

“About 15 yards away, I swerved to the left, narrowly avoiding the disabled car. However, I was approaching a bridge, so I had to make a split-second decision to turn right and flip my car to avoid hitting it. I ended up flipping over about four times, according to the police officer, and skidding on the roof for approximately 100 yards.”

In addition to surviving the terrifying collision, Graham’s dog, a Vizsla named Ginger, also escaped the accident unharmed.

“Sparks and glass [are] going everywhere, and I’m just sitting there in the seatbelt,” Graham added. “I simply kind of shout for my dog when I’m on the roof after removing my seatbelt. We simply went away once I exited the car and realised I couldn’t hear her. She was in the rear. I finally took to the skies a few hours later. That was a crazy one, then.”

Surprisingly, Graham didn’t panic as his car repeatedly overturned on the highway.

“It’s kind of weird,” he said. It has a strong game-like vibe. Everything moved pretty slowly. I recall every choice I made. I distinctly recall my phone appearing to float in midair. The time was visible to me. I just knew it wasn’t my time. ‘There’s no way I’m going to die with something this foolish,’ I thought.

“I was literally like, ‘Hey, I’m good,’ and I towed the car to the airport after they flipped it over again. Of course, I was very fortunate, and the Dade County response team did an amazing job. I am certainly grateful for all of the assistance, and the highway patrol officers there are truly exceptional.”

An event similar to what Graham went through would undoubtedly traumatise a large number of individuals. But he was unconcerned, having played 11 seasons in the NFL and being a certified pilot who enjoys flying small plane aerobatics in his free time.

“I got right back in the aerobatic plane and did some flips,” Graham added. “I performed well. It was very strange. I was actually wearing one of those watches, which was a heart monitor. My heart rate never went past, maybe 87, so that was interesting.

“I believe that playing football, flying a little, and performing all of my aerobatics helps to mentally and physically prepare the body to be composed and concentrated in certain situations. I was so fortunate, truly incredibly privileged, to be able to essentially walk away and be able to fly that same day and work out. I’m not even sure how to put it.”

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