Fans divided after Caitlin Clark suffers nasty eye injury in playoff game against Connecticut Sun
After a guard for Connecticut Sun and Clark collided early in Sunday’s game, Connecticut Sun defeated Indiana
Fever 93-69. When Carrington unintentionally poked the Fever star in the eye while trying to stop her pass, the AP
WNBA Rookie of the Year candidate crumpled to the court, gripping her face in obvious pain.
In the WNBA playoffs, Clark herself had a depressing first-round performance, managing just 11 points with a poor
23.5 percent field goal percentage. She also grabbed four rebounds, dishevelled eight assists, and committed three
thefts. Nevertheless, any post-game analysis was overshadowed by the incident where Carrington cut Clark’s eye and
the ensuing argument among fans.
Some supporters feel that examining such instances too deeply is pointless, since they are all a part of the excitement
of the game. “The eye thing gives all of you Caitlin cultists the thing you crave most, an excuse when she plays
poorly,” a spectator said. Less than 25% from the field and less than 20% from behind the arc, he said. “Face it, she
stunk out loud.” To paraphrase the great player, “Reality is coming, and it’s called playoff basketball.”
A second person agreed, saying, “LOL, I know it’s supposed to be a contact sport, but when two guys rebound for the
ball, hands fly everywhere. The Sun clearly played better defence and had superior shooting.”
More protection for the players has been demanded by critics as well, but doubts about Carrington’s innocence are
still prevalent.
One fan said on social media, “I think Carrington made a basketball play but, certainly, there are some players who
are intentionally’sloppy’ with where their hands, elbows, feet, and such might land.” Other fans also shared their
thoughts on the platform. An additional irate supporter yelled, “WNBA officiating is a joke.”
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